Dr. Malcolm X. Outlaw

Phone: (609) 835-8600


Lauryn France
Senior Executive Assistant for the Superintendent

Phone: 609-835-8600 x1013
Fax: (609) 835-3880




Ca'Meisha Mitchell
Affirmative Action Officer (Staff)
504 Officer (Staff)

Donita Zepeda
504 Officer (Students)
District Anti-Bullying Coordinator

Leon Owen
Title IX Officer



Dr. Malcolm X Outlaw

Dr. Malcolm X. Outlaw has served in urban education for over 25 years as an educator, mentor, and instructional leader. He graduated from Wilmington University where he earned his Doctoral Degree in Educational Leadership from which the main focus of his dissertation was Social Emotional Learning, understanding that the major part of life is to not only teach our students but more importantly build character. He has prefaced every year with the reminder to all staff that our “why” must be connected to offering every child a high quality of education we want for our own children.

Dr. Outlaw believes successful schools are built on three main pillars: Student achievement which ensures that students are our number one priority. Strong systems, routines, and procedures centered on student safety and state regulations. Finally, communication with all stakeholders to ensure that everyone's voice is heard when it comes to making decisions. Dr. Outlaw has advocated and worked closely with Parent Teacher Organizations, school leaders, and student councils to create a safe place for the school community. Therefore, his entire leadership team would work on events together as well as share concerns and challenges of the school and solve problems collaboratively.

As a result of his level of focus he has improved the climate and culture at five different schools he served as a principal. He has trained and mentored over one hundred instructional leaders, vice principals, and teachers. One of Dr. Outlaw's greatest strengths is considering the “big picture” as well as being flexible and innovative in his approach to achieving a school-wide goal or objective. Allowing shared leadership to occur allows his leadership team the opportunity to take the lead and develop their capacity under his guidance. Throughout his career, he has demonstrated that leadership is not what one says it is determined by their action and commitment to their craft and their effort.